The Aborigines

Australian Aboriginal culture turns our Western notion of land ownership upside down. For Aboriginal people, the land is owned by the individual.

Co więcej, niektóre części krajobrazu wywierają metafizyczny magnetyzm, wciągają człowieka, nawet z dużej odległości. Jest w tym głęboko zakorzeniony transcendentalny obowiązek powrotu. W przeciwnym razie wewnętrzne „ja” usycha i umiera. Walkabout, duchowa podróż Aborygenów na pustyni jest odpowiednikiem pielgrzymki, rytuałem przejścia.

Here is a mythical, ancient land of Aboriginal red sands, desert singing paths, strange creatures, boundless plains, unusual vegetation. The Totemic Ancestors did not create the world with spells, but through their actions. At the same time, they were part of it. Aborigines feel they are an integral part of nature, not, like most whites, someone better than an animal, plant or rock.

The stories will be coloured by the live sounds of the Czerwie quartet, the best live music performance group for silent films in the country. 

Mark Tomalik - Traveller, press and radio journalist, geologist by profession, Bielsko-Biała resident. Passionate about and an expert on Australia, to which he has been travelling regularly since 1989. Organises expeditions in the Outback (www.wsednosprawy.pl). Creator and organiser of the 23rd edition of the ‘Three Elements’ Travellers Festival and many other artistic events. Manager of rock bands. Writes about travel and music. Regular contributor to National Geographic and Jazz Forum. Author of books about travelling. For 15 years he hosted the travellers' programme “Globtroter” on Radio Kraków, and for several years had a regular column in Przekrój “Nastaw uszu”. He sat on the jury of Travelers - prestigious awards granted by National Geographic. He chaired the deliberations of the chapter of the Three Elements. Two-time winner of Kolosy. Currently has his own travel programme on RMF Classic. Australia is his ‘place on earth’, but he always returns to the Beskids. Author of three books about the fifth continent: ‘Australia, my love’, “Lady Australia” and “Australia, where flowers are born from fire”. Mark's page.