‘Saturday Mountain’ (2011), dir. by M. Filipiak
Time: 45 min.
The film is an adaptation of an old folk tale partly transferred to the present day. ‘Saturday Mountain’ tells the story of three brothers who try to help their sick mother. As is usually the case in fairy tales, each of them has different skills, the oldest one is strong and brave, the middle one is clever, and the youngest one is ordinary. The fairy tale tells of their adventures and the difficulties they encounter on their way. The story has a universal message that is still relevant today, which is emphasised by the film's convention. The picture is reminiscent of silent films from the early twentieth century and pays homage to filmmakers such as Melies, Wiene, Corman and the later Parajanov. The characteristic atmosphere of the film is due to the fact that the filmmakers follow the same path as the filmmakers from the ‘early days of cinema’, because, just as they did then, they discover the secrets of the art of filmmaking while working on a film. The Black Dwarf Group's way of working is a combination of intuition and love of art. This combination produces surreal effects.
We offer: a screening of the fairy tale with live music by the group CZERWIE; original compositions for the original film - a fairy tale filmed in 2011 in the convention of old black and white silent films.
The work is an ethereal tale laced with an eclectic mix of ethno, folk, reggae, experimental, avant-garde and contemporary music.